A lot of times I find myself looking at what other men wear when they go out and many times I cry on the inside. Gone are the days where men actually made an attempt and cared how they look. It may sound superficial, and to a degree it is, but there's more to it than just looking good.
As I sit here in the laundromat, watching my clothes spin in a sudsy bath, I thought I'd post what I think how men should go about styling themselves.
I. Every man should own at least 4 suits. A black suit, a grey suit, a navy blue suit and a tuxedo.
You may ask yourself "why the hell should I own these suits?" Well, many men may think one or two suits would be fine to own but you'll just be handicapping yourself with the various engagements you'll be attending in your lifetime. Each of the suits I mention have a rather specific utility to them, other than looking sharp. With a black suit, you can pretty much wear that to any event you go to. It's very versatile in that you can wear it into the office, a wedding, or a funeral as morbid as that may sound. One shouldn't be wearing something bright to that event unless you're going to an Asian funeral where white is typically worn (correct me if I'm wrong in that regard please). With a grey suit, you can comfortably wear it out in winter without being cold yet stand out in a bold way. Grey suits can also favor you well in a job interview. Not only would you look sharp and elegant, you'll also stand out from your competition as they're likely to wear a conservative black or navy suit. Also, Sean Connery wore a grey suit as James Bond and what man doesn't want to look like the best James Bond ever? The navy suit is a classic suit. That's for when you finally get that office job you pined for. Wear it on your first day and you'll make a bold statement by saying "I'm here. Watch me." Then there's the tuxedo. Own it. Don't rent it. Oh so you got married? Don't go thinking that'll be the only wedding you'll be attending. I find it perfectly fine to wear a tuxedo at another person's wedding. Don't go thinking you'll be stealing the show because as much as you may look good, no one will pay attention once the bride comes walking down that isle. You may even become a part the groom's party once or twice as a best man. No need to rent a suit or have them rent one for you because you'll have that covered. In the future, you may have a daughter and you'll have to "give her away" and if you're lucky enough to still look fairly similar to when you initially bought it, you'll be good to go! Also, should you be married at the moment, it might provide points to you from your wife by keeping the tuxedo you got married in. They're pretty sentimental about that stuff. Most women at least.
II. Every man should know how to tie 4 different knots. A four in hand, a half Windsor, a full Windsor (also known as a double Windsor) and a bow tie.
"Shouldn't one knot be sufficient?" Noooooo! Each knot is specifically geared to the width of the collar to your shirt. A four in hand, which is THE easiest to learn, and a half Windsor, would do well with narrow and medium collard shirts. The full Windsor is for the wider collars as being a more fuller knot, would compliment the more wider area. This matters and I can't stress this enough. Try throwing on a four in hand on a wide collar shirt and a full Windsor to a narrow collar shirt. Not only would it look foolish and busy, a full Windsor on a narrow collar is rather difficult to perform and would choke you as the event you attend goes on. The bow tie? Learn it! Don't buy a pre-made bow tie. You're going to go through the effort to wear a nice suit and then blemish it by wearing a pre-made one? You may think that you've done good but it comes off half ass and no one likes half assery.
III. Tuck in that shirt!
This is a problem with many men. So you've had a full day did you? You'd like to head out straight from work and into the bar, lounge club to have a few drinks? Safe to throw off that tie and pull off your tucked shirt? Not really.
Look I get it. Your day was exhausting and you want to relax and have a few drinks and maybe meet someone new. If you're taken, by all means bust it all out but if you're single and ready to mingle as the saying goes, your work hasn't stopped just because you stepped out that office. If you're looking to meet someone new, you'd do a disservice to yourself if you go and throw off that tie and untuck that shirt because I can guarantee you that the majority of the men who go to bars, lounges and clubs with a dress code have their shirt untucked. Why they think this is ok is beyond me but by untucking that shirt, guess what? Congratulations! You now look like every other bloke in the establishment! How is that going to help your cause? Sure, you may be a very charming fellow and I'm being shallow here but first impressions count. You're probably not going to wow the person you're trying to get at initially, that'll come later. He or she will first notice what you're wearing and if you look like every guy in there, he/she probably won't notice you and you want to be noticed. Sure, you don't want to come off stuffy by still looking neat and sharp coming out of the office but you'll come off looking successful and smart and sharp and yada yada yada. It's points for you for standing out in that way. You know what other place where you can be as comfortable as you want to dress and still accomplish what you set out to accomplish...drinking and meeting new people? Sports bars. Like the saying goes, when in Rome. Look better than a Roman.
This entry may come off superficial and I'd agree with that, but I'll be the first one to say that what I've said isn't mandatory or that it's worth anything. Owning such things would be good. It certainly wouldn't hurt you, but the main point I'm trying to throw out there is that you make that attempt! That's important. Looking good is one thing. It shows that you care a great deal in how you look and looking good will only boost your confidence but more importantly, it shows the person in front of you that you care whoever thay may be. Whether it's your boss, friend or significant other. Your boss will treat you with a bit more respect, maybe even pride, that someone working for him/her took the time and effort to look good not only for yourself or your co-workers but also for the company. And your significant other or the person you're trying to woo? Holy shit would you do well if you make the attempt! You don't have to go out on a date, or every date, in a suit. Shit, just make the attempt to look nice and appropriate for him/her! They will notice it and they will appreciate, maybe love, that you dressed up for them whatever the occasion may be.
But seriously, own these things...