Playing Catch Up

God, I've been so terribly busy.  I thought trying to juggle school, my photography (both gigs and personal projects) and life happenings wasn't going to be difficult have proved naive as I've been getting my ass kicked and it's been taking its toll.  I didn't think school would take up so much of my time but it has.  My thirst for more photographic knowledge and experience has lead to me spending an insane amount of time inside the school's darkroom and it really has been an exciting time for me but it's wearing me out and I'm near exhaustion.  I'm really late in releasing the last two wedding gigs I did a couple of months ago and I'm near completion so eventually soon, they'll be released so with that said, this entry will show none of those.  This entry will consist of some of my film work (none of which are school related) that were developed months ago that I've just gotten around to scanning.  I know, really late right?  Normally they would've been done a week or two after they've been developed but when these particular rolls from which these photos come from, came before I started school and picked up the gigs that came to me in that time, that they're just now coming out.  Anyway, there's a bit of an arduous process I go through whenever I bring analog photos and take them through their digital process.  That normally entails scanning each roll, then taking each frame and going through them carefully inch by inch, and remove every artifact (dust particles and other things that shouldn't belong on images) with photoshop using the spot healing brush, and then doing minor adjustments for color and what not (that normally doesn't happen thankfully since I'm the kind of person that likes his analog images to stay analog as much as possible).

The wedding stuff is coming soon followed by a shitload of more analog photos since I went mad and decided to just take all the b&w film rolls that were waiting in a bag to be developed, and developed them at school.  At one point I was behind in my actual school work because there were so many rolls.  So that's that.  This post also serves as an update.  I'm still here.  I'm still learning and getting better.  I'm still busy.

Holga CFN w/Red Filter Flash :: Fuji Astia 100F

DeLacy Photoshoot :: Holga CFN :: Fuji Astia 100F

Sausage Bus :: Hasselblad 500C :: Fuji Reala 100

Stepping Off :: Hasselblad 500C :: Fuji Reala 100

Junkyard :: Diana Mini :: Ilford Delta 400

Mamiya C330 :: Ilford Pan F 50

Hollywood Harley :: Mamiya C330 :: Ilford Pan F 50

Bartender Style :: Mamiya C330 :: Ilford Pan F 50