Unclaimed Memories

This is how far I'm behind with my film development currently.  As you can see, I've been shooting ALOT of medium format compared to 35mm but that should soon change as I'm weening myself of my medium format phase.  I probably have film ranging as far back as 2007!  I know there's one roll of AGFA Scala that's from 2007 in there and the reason why I haven't developed that one is because only one place in the world develops Scala anymore and that's Dr5 in Colorado.  It may seem like a bad thing to have so many rolls of film just sitting there and waiting for development, and I'm not lazy when it comes to developing either.  If I use a film camera for a project or a paid gig, it's developed the next day but for the things I shoot for fun, I take my time.  Every roll I turn in is a special moment for me because I'm suddenly transported to a time I had forgotten.  It's always a "Oh wow I remember taking this" moment.  Instant nostalgia!  People sometimes ask me whatever happened to so and so photos that I took and I simply reply with "When it's ready to be seen, it'll be seen".  In a world filled with instant gratification, it's really refreshing...