My World Has Been Turned Upside Down...

...In a good way.  I fell in love with Norah Jones when she debut with Come Away With Me in 2002.  Her voice was simply amazing and new to me back then but it reminded me a little bit of Billie Holliday.  Everything on CAWM was solid and to this day, it's an album I go back to and listen often.  Every album that came after wasn't cutting it for me.  Feels Like Home came off too happy and Bobby McFerrin-ish (not that it's a bad thing, just something I'm not really into much these days) and I quickly fell out of touch with her music which is a shame.  I still regard her voice as an innocent beauty.  Soft and whispery.  Soothing.  Much like her music.

Until today.

I follow Spin magazine's Facebook page to see what's going on in the popular music world and I see an update regarding the premier of a Norah Jones song and thought, "oh what's Norah up to these days?  Gotta check it out".  What resulted was totally amazeballs.  At what point did Norah Jones become dark?!  I didn't think she would venture out this route!  Everything I knew of her through experience went out the window and I've fallen in love with her all over again.  Well at least this dark side of hers. What's compelling is that even though her voice is still that soft, whispery, soothing goodness, it still works even though the subject is this dark!  I find the accompanying music video to the song subtly beautiful (because I'm weird like that) but the lyrics!  I have no words.  I go on to read the rest of the article after seeing the video and find out this is the second part to a two part video with Happy Pills being the first part.  After hearing both songs, I'll be going ahead to the record store and picking up her latest album Little Broken Hearts...something I do rarely these days.

Good on Norah.  Since I first watched the video, I can't stop playing it and has been on repeat throughout the day.  Seriously, it's a bit haunting.  Watch it!  Watch it, watch it, watch it!