I'm a big fan of end of the world/apocalyptic movies and of those I've seen, they've been pretty much the hollywood big budget types. Some have been the more in depth, human relation types which are more character driven and rarely have they been comedic. That being said, I'm really looking forward to seeing Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World starring Steve Carell and Keira Knightley (*swoon*). I already know that this is going to be somewhat of a romantic comedy (can't say for sure since it hasn't opened up but from the trailer, it's looking like it) and I have no problem with that as some of my favorite movies have been romantic comedies and I'm not ashamed to say it. But another interesting thing about this movie is that it also has hints of human interactions and personal relations with regards to the end of the world theme and I can't remember a movie, romantic comedy or just plain comedy, that had those elements.
Hopefully it'll be a good one.
Hopefully it'll be a good one.