Cutting Room Floor: John Insignificant

It's been long overdue. I've finally finished working on this set of images for sometime now and I'm glad I'm able to post up an image even though this image didn't really make the cut. There were a couple of things about this image that didn't satisfy the image I had in mind before shooting this photo for my John Insignificant series. One thing I did like about this photo is the positioning of the models. What I didn't dig was that I could've used more lighting in this photo. I was looking for a final image that consisted of deep contrast and rich shadows. I got a bit of both with respect to the male model (or Mr. Insignificant if you will) but the woman didn't get either. I had a strobe positioned straight left of her but I didn't have the setting on the strobe very high. Maybe I'll have another go at something like this in the future and either position the strobe more right of her and set the setting a little bit higher. There's also the issue of the Guinness bottle on the little table. I did not intend to have that there. That was just a little something something we all had while during the shoot. I do like the idea of being some sort of alcohol being in the image but the beer bottle is just too small and doesn't fit in. Maybe something bigger, like say a bottle of some type of liquor such as whiskey or scotch would've been better. Something larger would've been great for scale.

The final image that made the cut can be seen in my Facebook fan page which you could find by clicking on the FB link to the right of this blog.