Behind The Scenes Of The DeLacy Collection Shoot

I've finally finished scanning and putting the final touches to the BTS photos I took of the DeLacy Collection photoshoot I had a couple of weekends ago. Overall it was a great experience for me and I always enjoy shooting for Delacy. I brought out my Mamiya C300 TLR to shoot the BTS photos. I used a roll of Fuji Neopan Across 100 and a roll of Lomographic B&W film, both expired 9/09 and 12/09 respectively. I added emulsion borders to give the images a more vintage feel.

God I love natural light captured in black and white! If you'd like to see the rest of the set, go on ahead and click the Facebook link to the right which will lead you to my official 17thletter Photography page and become a fan if you'd like!

Now, on to the other projects I'm lagging in...