Golden Hour Shooting

One of my favorite hours to shoot is during the golden hour. It's that time of the day, usually the hour or so before the sun sets, when there's this warm hue to everything, the sun's light isn't so strong and the shadows are longer. I think above all, it is the shadows element of the golden hour that I really love.

We were at the famous Griffith Park Observatory (this post is merely a continuation of the day from the previous post) doing our final run of the lenses we rented. I'm really glad that we decided to do this, pick out the observatory as our spot, and the time we left to do this. I really love how the sun is low to the horizon that when you see people walk in front of the sun, the shadows cast veils people's faces. Whenever I see and experience this hour in a populated place, everyone comes off as walking silhouettes. Just a beautiful moment for me.

It's funny but everytime I hit up a "tourist" spot, I sometimes catch myself thinking about the people that are there. Whether or not the next person I see is just a local spending their last weekend admiring the place or if they're from out of town and experiencing some place they either seldom see, that is, if they visit LA alot, or a place they'll never see again. I guess it's evident that I don't travel alot and it is something that I'd like to do much more of. The only other city I find myself visiting often is San Francisco. I've been to New York once. That's about it. Anyway, I wonder what these visitors think of my beloved city. I would hope, and like to think, that they come out of it and go back with having a positive impression. I'm sure that on this very day, during this particular golden hour, these people did...